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Elements & Typography

Maritime comes with plenty of typography options, as illustrated below:

This is an H1 Header

Donec leo. Aliquam risus elit, luctus vel, interdum vitae, malesuada eget, elit. Nulla vitae ipsum. Donec ligula ante, bibendum sit amet, elementum quis, viverra eu, ante. Fusce tincidunt. Mauris pellentesque, arcu eget feugiat accumsan, ipsum mi molestie orci, ut pulvinar sapien lorem nec dui.

This is an H2 Header

Donec leo. Aliquam risus elit, luctus vel, interdum vitae, malesuada eget, elit. Nulla vitae ipsum. Donec ligula ante, bibendum sit amet, elementum quis, viverra eu, ante. Fusce tincidunt. Mauris pellentesque, arcu eget feugiat accumsan, ipsum mi molestie orci, ut pulvinar sapien lorem nec dui.

This is an H3 Header

Donec leo. Aliquam risus elit, luctus vel, interdum vitae, malesuada eget, elit. Nulla vitae ipsum. Donec ligula ante, bibendum sit amet, elementum quis, viverra eu, ante. Fusce tincidunt. Mauris pellentesque, arcu eget feugiat accumsan, ipsum mi molestie orci, ut pulvinar sapien lorem nec dui.

This is an H4 Header

Donec leo. Aliquam risus elit, luctus vel, interdum vitae, malesuada eget, elit. Nulla vitae ipsum. Donec ligula ante, bibendum sit amet, elementum quis, viverra eu, ante. Fusce tincidunt. Mauris pellentesque, arcu eget feugiat accumsan, ipsum mi molestie orci, ut pulvinar sapien lorem nec dui.

This is an H5 Header

Donec leo. Aliquam risus elit, luctus vel, interdum vitae, malesuada eget, elit. Nulla vitae ipsum. Donec ligula ante, bibendum sit amet, elementum quis, viverra eu, ante. Fusce tincidunt. Mauris pellentesque, arcu eget feugiat accumsan, ipsum mi molestie orci, ut pulvinar sapien lorem nec dui.

The following is an example of a blockquote (use <blockquote>Your Quote</blockquote>):

Treading the soil of the moon, palpitating its pebbles, tasting the panic and splendor of the event, feeling in the pit of one's stomach the separation from terra - these form the most romantic sensation an explorer has ever known.

This is an example of the pre tag:

#main-content {
  float: left;
  width: 100%;
  overflow: hidden;

This is an example of the code tag:

#main-content {
float: left;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;

Head Data Head Data Head Data Head Data
Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data
Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data
Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data

A standard unordered list:

  • Item One
  • Item Two
  • Item Three
  • Item Four
  • Item Five
  • Item Six

A standard ordered list:

  1. Item One
  2. Item Two
  3. Item Three
  4. Item Four
  5. Item Five
  6. Item Six

This is a check list, called with the class "check":

  • Item One
  • Item Two
  • Item Three
This is an example of the 'alert' div style. Use this style to notify your vistors of important information. To use this style, enclose your text within the following html <div class="info">...</div>
This is an example of the 'info' div style. Use this style to notify your vistors of important information. To use this style, enclose your text within the following html: <div class="info">...</div>
This is an example of the 'notice' div style. Use this style to notify your vistors of important information. To use this style, enclose your text within the following html: <div class="notice">...</div>
This is an example of the 'download' div style. Use this style to notify your vistors of downloadable content and files. To use this style, enclose your text within the following html: <div class="download">...</div>
This is an example of the 'mail' div style. Use this style to notify your vistors of important information. To use this style, enclose your text within the following html: <div class="mail">...</div>
This is an example of the 'package' div style. Use this style to notify your vistors of important information. To use this style, enclose your text within the following html: <div class="package">...</div>
This is an example of the 'security' div style. Use this style to notify your vistors of downloadable content and files. To use this style, enclose your text within the following html: <div class="security">...</div>
This is an example of the 'stop' div style. Use this style to notify your vistors of downloadable content and files. To use this style, enclose your text within the following html: <div class="stop">...</div>
This is an example of the 'system' div style. Use this style to notify your vistors of important information. To use this style, enclose your text within the following html: <div class="system">...</div>
This is an example of the 'web' div style. Use this style to notify your vistors of downloadable content and files. To use this style, enclose your text within the following html: <div class="web">...</div>
This is an example of the 'settings' div style. Use this style to notify your vistors of important information. To use this style, enclose your text within the following html: <div class="settings">...</div>

Web Icons courtesy of

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